
Imagine if the marketing communications vehicles that we engage today had existed during Biblical times there would have been at least actual photos of the Red Sea parting possibly even videos. Jesus preaching the Beatitudes could be available on disc for millions to hear and see him teach, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

I did not go through a strategic process to select the name GreaterWorks! for this company, it actually came to me in a dream, and so did a drop of blood that appeared more like a red exclamation point. I put the name and exclamation point on a piece of paper when I woke up in the middle of the night, and put the paper in a drawer. I had no idea how I would use them. Years later, I pulled the paper out and gave it to a creative director to develop a logo for the company I was about to establish.

Faith-based organizations need to marry Biblical and corporate development of strategies to be successful. Corporations are more successful when faith-based principles for the greater good are part of their strategic positioning and sustainability. Together, we can all achieve GreaterWorks!